Sent by Rachie's Mommy on 10/10/2009

tomorrow is Oct. 11. Next to the day you died, it was the worst day ever. It was the beginning of the me, it's the day we really lost you. the last day that you looked at me and knew me, the last day I heard you cry or laugh, the last day I saw a smile or a tear....the last day of hope. I love you so much my baby girl and I miss you so much. Every star I see, every candle I blow out, every 12:34 on the clock have the same wish....if only there was a chance for that wish to come to true. I wish for just 5 more minutes with you, before Oct 11th happened....5 more minutes to hold you and feel you and kiss you....5 more minutes to be Rachie's mommy and feel your body in my arms. I love you forever and always my baby you'll be